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Queen of The Grill

Burgers…mmmmm burgers. I am ultimately picky when it comes to burgers. I hate gristly, oily meat where you can taste the fat so I have come up with my own delicious creation! When making this recipe, it is important not to go cheap on the meat. Buy a nice premium beef mince with little fat. Pretty please, otherwise you will ruin your burger and it won’t taste as delicious as I have promised.

Being raised in a household with an American mother, I grew up liking two really weird things that most ‘Aussie’s’ would say, “yuck” to…that is American mustard (it has to be American!) and pickles!! If a burger doesn’t have either you can be rest-assured, I will be turning my nose up to it. After working at McDonald’s for more than a decade, I have learnt what TO and what NOT to put on burgers. These burgers are smash packed with loads of delicious toppings and flavours that all together make these to die for!

A simple, easy and quick meal we like to call ‘McMummy’s’ in my house!

My boys will take theirs with the meat patty, cheese, loads of tomato sauce (of course) and dare I say it – pickles!! As for the husband, as long as anything is smothered in aioli sauce, I can guarantee you, he will eat it! When the family is feeling really famished I like to serve these beauties up with some baked sweet potato chips on the side also.

I like to serve these burgers up with the works. Cheese, fresh tomato, lettuce, raw red onion, bacon, smashed avocado, you drooling yet? Oh, did I forget to mention? Yes, I did! Fried onions and mushrooms, along with a few slices of beetroot, all on a toasted sesame seed bun. And there you have it! The best burger you will ever eat. Once you make these you won’t want a burger from anywhere else ever again. Are you hungry yet? You need to make these for dinner tonight.

You can find the patty recipe here. Just don’t make this a regular meal in your household – delicious - yes, but, not so great for the waistline!!

Tip: some say a true burger isn’t without a fried egg and grilled pineapple – I have made these in the past adding these two ingredients, however, I prefer mine without but it is entirely up to you.

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